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Deafness blog image. Myth X 10. Deaf people are naturally distrustful of others. Philosoraptor meme with the phrase “Deafs distrust of others, but everybody treats them respectfully”.

Myth X- Deaf people are naturally distrustful of others.

Stubborn people and cats are distrustful of others.

– Typical Spanish proverb –

Normally, a person isn’t born with a determined personality. Education and life are the factors that define a person, (it has been said that a person’s personality isn’t totally defined until they’re 26 years old).

In the case of deaf people, they have had to face misinterpretations, assaults or abuses that have made them develop a defense mechanism: “mistrust”. Given that most of these abuses usually come from people that can hear, the norm is that rejection towards this group of people is greater. However, the increased consciousness about the problems of “deaf people” is enabling both groups to coexist without any conflicts.

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