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As we know, deafness doesn’t occur because of one single reason. There are many factors that influence the development of deafness. We also know it doesn’t happen because of failure in one specific area of the ear. The ear is complex and has many parts.

For people who present any difficulties in the middle or internal ear, the earpiece isn’t a solution. However, medicine has developed a device that can bypass this part of the ear and transmit the information directly to the internal ear. This device is called a Coclear Implant, and it’s composed of two parts: the internal part is installed via a surgical procedure. An electromagnetic receptor is installed that transmits electrical pulses to cables connected to each one of the Coclear’s Stereocilia. The external part resembles an earpiece, but with an additional piece, a cable that is connected to the electromagnet that picks up sounds, processes them and then transmits them to the internal receptor.

Deafness blog image. Photograph of the two elements of the cochlear implant. The electromagnet and electrodes placed inside the skull and in the external processor .. Deafness blog image. Siting and installation diagram of the cochlear implant. It can be seen how electrodes fit in the cochlea and the magnet receives the pulses of the processor. Deafness blog image. Coclear implant. Photograph of a cochlear implant placed over the ear of a person connected with the magnet on the head.


Some post-locutive deaf people that have undergone the Coclear Implant procedure comment that the sounds they hear are a bit more metallic than natural sounds. This is something that without a doubt will get solved with time.


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